Tusen Takk, a thousand thanks for visiting!
I am a Nordic musician, storyteller, dancerr, performance artist, author, and educator. Born and raised in Minnesota, I live in Bdote, traditional sacred land of the Dakota Nation.
My work focuses on my Norwegian American heritage and healing inherited cultural grief. Enjoy!
Winter months are for dancing and poetry!
On-going Opportunities to Dance in 2025

Second Sunday Nordic Social Dance
3748 Minnehaha Ave South, Minneapolis
Feb 9, March 9, April 13, May 11
6 pm - Learn a dance from one of the Nordic countries: Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark. Taught by one of our community's top teachers!
7pm - Social Dance with live music includes waltz, schottische, polka, with called mixers and set dances in between. Stay to the end for our traditional end of the evening longdans.​
Nordic Ball!* March 29, Ukrainian Event Center!
TC Nordic Dance - First and Third Monday Nights - 6:30 - 8:30
Join us to learn Norwegian and Swedish dances - Every First and Third Monday Night
6:30 - 8:30 pm - $5 donation for rent
Thompson Hall - Marshall and Fairview in St. Paul. Absolute beginners are welcome!
The first half hour is dedicated to teaching basics. Everyone benefits! Join us for camaraderie and fun and get ready for the Nordic Ball!*
contact: Carol Sersland sersla@aol.com

Special Happy Hour Norway House!
February 27 4pm - 8pm Kalevala and Dancing
Norway House Happy Hour (BOGO drinks) and Pop-up Dance
Come check out the new restaurant.
In the Gallery hosted by Kari Tauring 5 - 7 pm Free (pass the hat)
Join us in the Gallery as we celebrate Finnish epic poetry and dance runes among the weaves and spin. With special guest poets Lynette Reini-Grandell and William Morrey Nellis!
Kari will teach community song circle dances. Non-partnered and all ages, these are fun for everyone to learn. Bring clean shoes and a joyful spirit.

Join us for the 46th annual Nordic Ball!
5 - 10:30 pm
Dozens of Nordic folk bands playing music for dancing. Couples dances, community long dance, called dances and mixers...something for all ages and abilities.
Soup and cold board, Scandinavian desert table, and a cash bar round out the festivities!
Ticket Link and More Info​​​